




Jamela Robertson

Chief Executive Officer

Moshabi Putu

Chief Financial Officer

Thabo Rapoo

Policy and Research

Thys Monosi

Information Technology

Cedric Seaba

Internal Audit

Sello Molekwa

Communications Manager

Javu Baloyi


Nthabiseng Stella Masopha

HOD Human Resources

Rabbuh Raletsemo

Acting HOD PEI

Ms Jamela Robertson

Chief Executive Officer

The CEO is the Accounting Officer of the institution. Her role encompasses development of institutional and operational strategies in line with the CGE Act and other relevant legislative frameworks.

Within her fiduciary function she is tasked with the responsibility of actualising principles of good governance, adherence to PFMA and other regulations.

Dr Antoinette Ngwenya

Chief Financial Officer​

The finance department takes responsibility for organising the financial and accounting affairs of the Commission, including a direct support to the Accounting Officer to discharge the general and specific responsibilities as respectively contained under section 38 and elsewhere within the Public Finance management Act, 29 of 1999 (as amended).

The role relates to the effective financial management of the Commission, including the exercise of sound internal controls, planning, budgetary control practices and timely reporting on financial performance and financial position of the Commission.

Dr Thembinkosi Twalo

Policy and Research

The research department undertakes research work and investigations into gender equality related social policy issues and problems.

The department produces analysed research reports findings and policy recommendations.

Information Technology

Information Technology is responsible for implementing and maintaining the commission’s IT infrastructure and governance framework through policy developments.

IT monitors the commission’s operational requirements and aligns Information technology plan with the commission`s business strategy, researches technology strategies and solutions, in order to build the most cost-effective and efficient systems to achieve the commission`s mandate.

Mr Cedric Seaba

Internal Audit

The Internal Audit provides independent, objective assurance and advisory services designed to add value and improve the commission’s operations. The internal Audit help the commission accomplish their objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to identify opportunities for improvement.

As Internal audit department we are a catalyst for improving the commission’s governance, risk management and management controls by providing insight and recommendations based on analyses and assessments of data and business processes.

Mr Sediko Rakolote


Commissioner Sediko Ralolote is a part time Commissioner at the CGE and he sits on the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee, Information and Technology Committee. He holds a Masters in Public Administration, B. Tech in Education Management, National Diploma in Child and Youth Development from the University of the South Africa.

He held several positions in NGO sector, Public sector and Private sector focusing on socio-economic development. He firmly believes in economic transformation as necessary approach to eradicate racism, poverty and all forms of inequalities in South Africa including gender inequalities.

He is a founder and Trustee of Progressive Socio-Economic Investment Institute Trust – Public Benefit Trust that focuses on socio-economic development initiatives targeting historically disadvantaged persons in South Africa.

He is currently pursuing his studies with Nelson Mandela University studying Masters in Conflict Transformation and Management.